Annual AICA Convention
The official dates of AICA’S Virtual Annual Conference will be announced soon. Keep visiting this space.

COVID-19 Resources
We at AICA pray and care for the people worldwide who got affected by the COVID-19. AICA is on the go to take several measures in the account of COVID-19.

The purpose of AICA is to strengthen the religious, social, civics bonds between the AfricanslNon Africans and Muslims/Non-Muslims.
Helping the Muslim community for the betterment:
AICA has been offering various types of assistance for the Muslim people group throughout the previous 57 years through its Annual Convention, Conferences, Youth Development Programs, Interfaith Programs, Funeral and Charity Services, Mosque Services, Scholarships, Matrimonial, Webinars, and much more.

People Served Last Year
Number Of Volunteers Last Year
Types Of Services For You
Years In Service
Welcome To African Islamic Council of America Please Rise Your Helping Hand
The Quran in its scope is the full and final divinely revealed constitution for mankind. It is also the text book of the Muslim Iman (faith) and the source book of Islamic laws, rules and regulations for the Muslims. The African lslamic Council of America affirms the Quran and the Sunnah as its eternal and ultimate constitution. The Following are lesser laws, rules and regulations meant for the governance of the Council’s affairs in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.
Make Donation
Become a Volunteer
Give Scholarship
The purposes of the Council shall be
A. Carrying on religious, educational, social, civic, charitable, literary, scientific, research and other Islamic activities;
B. Strengthening fraternal bonds and brotherly relations among Africans /Non Africans and Muslims/ Non- Muslims;
C. Promoting friendly relations between Muslims / non-Muslims and Africans/Non Africans;
D. Presenting Islam and African cultures to Muslims/Non-Muslims and Africans / Non Africans in Islamic perspectives;
E. Furthering Cooperation among the existing Sister organizations and communities.